Friday, October 30, 2009

Left one.

Currently, we have almost finish all the subjects except for Add Maths 2.
This paper is considered is the toughest paper comparing to the science subjects.
That's my personal opinion.
Imagine you can do something on your physics paper 2, but that doesn't mean you can get any marks from Add Maths 2.
So, work hard!
For me, i know i am lack of practice in add maths question.
Well ..
Let's hope that we all pass the examinations.

Tomorrow is a schooling day, but i don't think i'm going to school. I don't like wasting time doing nothing. Like when i'm doing some paper, I finished it too fast until i have 1 hour to spare which makes me do nothing but to stare at the ceiling.

After the exam I will still update the blog, and the thing i'm not satisfied when doing the exam is that there's the booming everywhere ( the firecrackers )
I don't know the firecrackers had been modified or what, it's just too loud.
How loud ? I got scared like every single firecrackers explode.
Never ending.. :(

Get a life dudes ! put the firecrackers in your ear and try it!

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